Monday, March 26, 2012

man in a box

I woke up about two hours ago, but I get the feeling my watch in't workin' quite as well as it should be. Last time I looked at it it read 10:13, now it's sayin' 14:900, which is especially strange seein' as it isn't a digital watch. 

Bare concrete cell, bout 15' square. Thick metal doorway, heavy bars. No window. Looks a lot like the room the Pastor used to lock me up in back in the Friendship.......

No point in dredgin' that shit up again. Only thing that was in here when I woke, sides myself, was a brand new lookin' notebook, fresh outta the factory, and a few black ink pens. 

Thought I'd start takin' down what's been happening. Seein' as I left my supply of medicine back at the cabin, and seein' as I have no idea when I'll get outta here, if ever, there's no tellin' when the Sickness will wipe me out, so I've gotta keep track of everything less I forget it all.

Gonna take a nap, build up my strength.

[I've counted this as part of the second journal entry, seeing as it's so short. I've also got Owens and Zavala working on tracking down where the hell these journals came from, but so far we've got nothing. 

When we discovered the identities of two of those stranger's from the second entry, I nearly shat a brick. I remember Vali-Smith from my days back on the force. That god damn gang took out more of my friends and comrades than I care to remember. Last I heard of him he was dead but if the date on the entry is anything to go by, that's far from the truth. As for MATILDA, I've only heard stories but..... Not someone I'd like to tangle with, even if was in my physical prime.

Whoever this "Jon" guy is, he sounds like a tough S.O.B.


T. Vasilakis]

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